• Amazing Wood Floors
  • Amazing Wood Floors
  • Amazing Wood Floors
  • Amazing Wood Floors

About Amazing Wood Floors

Amazing Wood Floors has been in business for more than 20 years.

The company started with 1 employee, and at the present time we have more than 14 fulltime workers. Our staff has a great deal of experience and expertise applying hardwood floors, sanding and finishing residential and commercial jobs.

Our quality shows for itself, and the entire job is done by our own employees, not subcontractors, and we are fully insured. Amazing Wood Floors felt the necessity of expansion and spreading out, so the business moved from a small place to a 20,000 square feet Warehouse / Showroom. You too, can confirm the work quality that our company offers, so be sure to visit our stunning showroom, always open to public.


Amazing Wood Floors, llc

Phone: (973) 466-3171
Fax: (973) 466-1515
107 Vesey St, Newark NJ